Mineral & Heavy Metal Analysis

What is THE method?

The method used to assess the amount of trace elements in tissues is called ‘spectrophotometry’. It is a quantitative analytical method that measures a chemical substance's absorbance or optical density.

Why do we use this type of analysis?

We use this evaluation because the results of the clinical experience reflect the clinical picture. For this reason, many of the top practitioners in NZ and overseas are now using mineral & heavy metal analysis. We use this in the Brain Health & Biofeedback Clinic because of the validated use of ‘Spectrophotometry’ in other areas of medicine combined with the correlation of the clinical picture accuracy seen in individual cases.

All you need to know for the test is your height, weight and blood type (A/B/AB/O). We can test for blood type in the clinic if this is unknown.

The simplicity and function

  • The spectrometer – a measuring device connected to a computer or a tablet via USB plugs.

  • Web application (compatible with Windows and Mac OS).

  • Personal and secure remote access to the server.

  • Patient's physiological data is entered.

  • Patient dermis is scanned by spectrometry.

  • Data analyzed and processed.

HOw does it work?

The basic principle is that every chemical compound absorbs, emits or reflects light (electromagnetic radiation) over a specific range of wavelengths. The more the sample is concentrated, the more it absorbs the light within the limits of proportionality expressed in the Beer-Lambert law. Spectrophotometry is used in many domains: chemical engineering, material sciences, environmental science, the food-processing industry, biology, and the medical field including pharmaceutical sciences and clinical applications. Presently, in clinical applications, spectrophotometry is used to examine blood or tissues – for example in pulse oximetry.

The advantages

  • Instant quantitative mineral, vitamins, and heavy metals results.

  • A quick & proven way to detect deficiency or excess in minerals and vitamins.

  • A quick & proven way to detect potential toxic heavy metal poisoning.

  • A comprehensive and customized analysis aiming to optimize your patient’s healthcare approach (laboratory tests, nutrition, nutritional supplements, physical activity, etc.), offering effective monitoring.

  • Specific needs adaptable service.

an example of the report generated by the mineral & heavy metal analysis is shown below:

Call us on 03 471 9398 or email us at office@bhbclinic.co.nz, and our helpful BHBC team will provide more information.