The following are TED (and other) talks that we recommend....

Jamie Oliver - Teach Every Child About Food  - the all time classic "must-watch" TED talk that won Jamie Oliver the prize that year.

Shawn Achor - The Happiness Advantage - Dr Achor is hilarious, and is a leader in the field of positive psychology research.

Shawn Achor - The Happy Secret to Better Work - Dr. Achor again with a further brilliant talk.

Dr Julia Rucklidge - The Surprisingly Dramatic Role of Nutrition in Mental Health - A talk we recommend nearly daily at the clinic, to those with depression and anxiety.

Brene Brown - The Power of Vulnerability - A talk with 35 million views. Brene's talks, books and work have changed the way we look at, and deal with shame. 

Brene Brown - The Anatomy of Trust - What is it that underpins trust? In this talk Dr Brown explains this deep need and ability to sense trust in all of us. 

Dr Dan Gilbert - The Surprising Science of Happiness - This talk is truly a surprise!

Dr Helen Fisher - The Brain in Love - fMRI studies on the brain in love - fascinating. Explains so much!

Dr Sara Lazar - How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains - fMRI scans show that mindfulness literally slows down natural age related decline in the brain. 

Brian Miller - How to magically connect with anyone - Touching and inspiring.

Further psychology talks...

Brene Brown -  Listening to Shame - The difference between Vulnerability and Weakness - (9.4 million views)

Dr Daniel Siegel - Understanding the Brain - how understanding the brain helps in day to day life

Dr Daniel Siegel - On how to change your Brain

Dr Martin Seligman - The New Era of Positive Psychology - Dr. Seligman's book "Learned Optimism" should be read by everyone. 

Dr Daniel Siegel - TEDxGoldenGateED - Dr Siegel's famous hand model of the brain. Something we teach every day in the clinic. 

Dr Daniel Siegel - Name it to Tame it - A slower talk,  but a fantastic research backed tool we teach at the clinic.

Non-psychology/wellness talks 100% worth listening too!

Steve Jobs - How to Live Before you Die - This talk will have you laughing, crying and, if you've never watched TED; a life long fan.

Alain de Botton - A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success - A wonderful talk about major shifts in our cultural meaning and how they can change our happiness. 

Daniel Pink  - The Puzzle of Motivation - hilarious and brilliant! 

Sir Ken Robinson- Do Schools Kill Creativity? - 52 million views says it all. 

Prof. Jim Flynn - Why our IQ levels are higher than our parents - Dunedin's very own Jim Flynn! With a million views and a stunning talk. 

Prof Rob McKnight - How our Microbes make us who we are - While we're talking famous Dunedinites - Prof McKnight was born and raised in Dunedin and is now the head of the Human Microbiome project.

Dr Susan Blackmore - Meme's and "temes" - fairly mind blowing.

Rupert Sheldrake - The Science delusion - an excellent talk! And much of what inspires true thinking. 

Social awareness

Prof Hans Rosling - New Insights on Poverty - An interesting and thought provoking talk.

Bono - The good news about poverty (yes there is good news) - A positive look at what we can do.

Gary Haugen - The Hidden Reason for Poverty the world needs to address now - and on the other hand, what more we urgently need to do.

Kevin Bales - How to combat modern slavery - Slavery still exists! 

Noy Thrupkaew- Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works - And human trafficking is still occurring. 

John Kasaona- How poachers became care takers - Another inspiring talk about what it takes for social change